About the UCC


About the United Church of Christ

Founded in 1958, the United Church of Christ (UCC) combined the mainline Congregational and Evangelical and Reformed traditions into one body under the banner “That They May All Be One!” This broad ecumenical vision has always included a commitment to openness and diversity. Indeed, the UCC and its forebears ordained the first woman, the first African American and appointed the first openly gay pastor in America. The Congregationalists’ support for the Amistad “mutineers” in 1839 established our denomination’s identity an as early and ardent leader in the anti-slavery movement. It has always been a Social justice Church Denomination.

Today, the United Church of Christ continues its rich heritage of openness, diversity, empowerment and social action on behalf of peace and justice. UCC Global Ministries supports disaster relief, education and the eradication of poverty throughout the world.

In the Puritan “Free Church” tradition, each UCC congregation is autonomous. We truly operate from the “bottom up.” United in covenant with sister churches in the Merrimack Association, we are part of the New Hampshire Conference, United Church of Christ. Volunteers and staff in these organizations authorize trained and ordained clergy for ministry and provide invaluable resources to pastors and congregations to assist them in their work.

The UCC is a non-creedal church: no special body of belief is required and no historic creeds presumed. All we ask is a sincere desire to know and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, a commitment to worship regularly as part of our faith community, and a willingness to hold your heart open to the divine action of God’s creative and loving spirit in your life. As we say in the UCC, “Never place a period where God has placed a comma: God is still speaking!”

Let is know how we can help you. We welcome your questions!