Living Our Faith

An Welcoming Open and Affirming UCC Church

Perhaps the most central element of Jesus’ ministry was his practice of open table fellowship. As we live and grow in faith in this UCC Church, as we learn to embrace our differences, we proactively welcome diversity, opening our hearts, minds and doors to members and non-members, baptized Christians and those who simply seek to know the love of Christ. At DCC, we embrace persons of all faith backgrounds, race, ethnicity, physical abilities, sexual orientation and gender identity.

A Christ Centered-Church

In a shrinking and multicultural world, Christians today face a unique challenge: how to claim our identity as followers of Jesus Christ while respecting the values and religious traditions of others. As we explore and celebrate the depths of our faith, as we test and clarify our own historical beliefs, we at DCC strive to strengthen God’s vision of a just and peaceful world through open ecumenical and interfaith relationships.

A Spirit-Led Church

For too long, traditional mainline churches have become centers of intellectualism, places where logic and reason inform our theological beliefs. But God is not a consequence of reason! As we worship together, as we learn to feel God’s presence in our lives, as we explore spiritual practices and disciplines, and deepen our connection to God through prayer, we make room for God’s spirit to fill our hearts and take us to places that logic cannot go!

Blessing of the Prayer Shawls
Prayer Shawls Ministry
A Mission-Focused Church

In the Protestant Reformed tradition, the freely-given grace of God demands an active response. As we deepen our appreciation for Christ, as we strengthen our commitment to Christ, we continue to labor in Christ, embracing our world through ambitious, hands-on mission and outreach programs.

A Community Church

The “church on the common” is how most people describe the Dunbarton Congregational Church to friends and visitors. As we continue our strong tradition of community leadership, we seek ways to open our buildings and extend our programs and services to all the residents of our community regardless of spiritual belief or religious affiliation. At DCC, we are equal opportunity caregivers.

A Learning UCC Church

At DCC, God’s presence in our lives is something to be nurtured and shared. In this spirit, we are a learning community, seeking creative ways to pass on our faith to our children, increase our biblical literacy, and develop our own understanding of who Jesus was and why he matters. As we discover, challenge and critically explore the teachings of our faith, we strengthen that faith, clarifying our beliefs and transforming the grace of God into abundant lives.

A Singing Church (not during Covid)

It is said, “one cannot frown and sing at the same time.” Music is the soul of worship, perhaps the single most evocative element in the liturgy. As we work to repair our organ and celebrate the gift of our baby grand piano, we invite the voices of adults and children, guest musicians, and special performers to fill our sanctuary and spill out onto the Town Common for everyone to enjoy!

A Financially Viable Church
Good financial health liberates a church to express itself in diverse and creative ways. As we grow in membership and generosity, we continue to balance vision with fiscal responsibility, preserving the legacies we have been given, just as we invest boldly and enthusiastically in our future.

A Caring Church
The greatest expression of Christian love is compassion. As a covenant community, we pledge before God to love, honor and care for the people in our midst. In all that we are and do, we ground ourselves in the love of Christ, incarnating that love in our relationships—with each other, our community and our world.

The Dunbarton Congregational Church (DCC) worships in a relaxed, traditional and comfortable manner. Despite our casual appearance, however, you will find a church devoted to Jesus Christ, our children, our historical role in the community, and the spiritual development of our members and friends.

To find out more About the UCC denomination or go to the UCC website.

Donations and Giving

Pastor Robert is available at any time to talk with and guide you in this important decision and relationship.

May God’s blessings be upon you,

Content copyright 2023. Dunbarton Congregational Church.  All rights reserved