Roadside Cleanup

Roadside Cleanup It’s a great way to beautify our town, get some exercise and help the environment! Join us cleaning up part of Dunbarton. Volunteers are welcome! Since 1995, the church and community members have been cleaning up trash from our two mile stretch of Route 13 as part of the State of NH’s Adopt-a-Highway … Read more

Prayer Shawl Ministry


DCC Prayer Shawl Ministry


(Kindness In Simple Stitches)

Our prayer shawls are lovingly knitted and provide comfort to members of our congregation and friends in Dunbarton who are ill or in need of comfort. Our prayer shawls also have been distributed to Concord Hospital, and the wider community. Knitters meet on Friday evenings from mid-September through May. No knitting experience is necessary to participate!  We teach knitting to those who would like to learn.

For more information, feel free to contact Susan Johonnett or email her at  

Pantry Items Needed

Pantry Items Needed Pantry Items Needed: Peanut butter, spices, canned meat (other than tuna), Juice, coffee, canned soup (other than chicken noodle), canned chili, gravy, sugar, flour, cereal, popcorn, noodles, hamburger helper, dry beans, macaroni, mac n cheese, jello, and pudding.