ONA Planning

DCC CHURCH VESTRY 8 Stark Highway North, Dunbarton, NH

ONA Planning De-brief FFT @ 7:00 Covenant review + Vestry - Upstairs

ONA Scripture Study

DCC CHURCH VESTRY 8 Stark Highway North, Dunbarton, NH

ONA Scripture Study will examine the historical context of scriptures.

ONA Planning

DCC CHURCH VESTRY 8 Stark Highway North, Dunbarton, NH

ONA Planning Upstairs

ONA Soup Luncheon

ONA Welcoming team is sponsoring a soup Luncheon after the church service at 12 noon A guest speaker from the PFLAG organization will do a presentation.     Rescheduling!

ONA Welcoming

DCC CHURCH VESTRY 8 Stark Highway North, Dunbarton, NH

ONA Welcoming Planning Meeting

Food for Thought – October

DCC CHURCH VESTRY 8 Stark Highway North, Dunbarton, NH

Food For Thought dinners are  a wonderful Dunbarton pot-luck dinner with enlightening discussion on  a topic of community interest.     Potluck & Discussion topic is an introduction to the ... Read more