Mission Visioning

You’re invited!

The Communications Committee has started working on a mission and vision statement for our church, and we are providing you with two opportunities to join in on the discussion via Zoom.
The guidance we have done on-line indicates that concise, memorable statements are the most successful.
Below are five examples of mission statements from churches across the country that we’ve reviewed and present to you as food for thought.
If you are interested in joining us, please let Pastor Robert know with an email at robertvodra@gmail.com and indicate which session, or both.
Thank you, and we look forward to Zooming with you soon!
Pastor Robert
Barbara Bennett
Linda Morse
Bob Ray
1. “To partner with people to reach their God potential, in order to impact our world for good.”
2. “To be a church that lives by faith, is known by love, and is a voice of hope to the world.”
3. “To live according to God’s teaching, believing in the worth of all persons, to build an
outreaching, supportive community, to foster individual spiritual growth and to provide for all ages the experience of Christian values through teaching and example.”
4. “To reach up, reach out, and reach in.”
5. “ A welcoming Christian family, worshiping, growing and serving, all in Christ’s love.”