ONA Food for Thought

The Open and Affirming Welcoming Committee and the Board of Christian Education invite you to:

Food for Thought Pot Luck Dinner — January 11th,  DCC Vestry,  6:00-8:30 PM

Food For Thought is pot-luck dinner opportunity with enlightening discussion on  a topic of community interest.

January’s Discussion topic is: Open & Affirming.  Theme – PROGRESSION


Progress through a four-course meal with small group discussion questions.  The discussions will progress from the difference between being Open and being Affirming, to changes we might expect an Open and Affirming church to undergo, to other groups we might welcome in addition to members of the LGBTQ community.

Please join us for a full discussion about the implications of specifically welcoming the LGBTQ community. Pot luck Appetizers, Soup and Salad, Main course and Dessert!