Spireside Open Mic
Music starts at 5:00 – performers sign up at 4:30
People of the Steeple
People of the Steeple
This summer members and friends of The FirstCongregational Church of Dunbarton UCC (Built 1836) are raising funds for preservation of the STEEPLE for future
generations. Your donations, big or small, all count!
Donate Now!
Makers Mornings
Come to Maker’s Morning
on Tuesday,
April 4th 9:00AM.
Maybe create a sunny weaving to call in spring!
The community is welcome.
Easter Service
Easter Service
April 9th Details to be announcedMaundy Thursday Service
On Thursday, April 6th we observe Maundy Thursday.
“Maundy” comes from the Latin “mandatum” meaning “commandment” referring to the “New Commandment” given at the Last Supper: “Love one another”.
This moving worship service is during the holiest time of the Christian calendar and includes the telling and hearing of the Passion Story in short passages from Scripture, and also the sharing of the Lord’s Supper.
This year we will be doing the service at 6:00 PM